
The sustainable production of the NFC products takes place in our own production together with our proven reliable partner

ebets® GmbH

. We use the synergies resulting from the partnership in a wide range of business areas to the benefit of our customers.

We work under the keywords DIGITAL, REGIONAL and ECOLOGICAL. We integrate the NFC tags directly into individual doming stickers, high-quality laser-cut and engraved stickers as well as in advertising technology, including info boards, roll-ups and much more. The advantage of the production in Austria is, besides the individual design, the fast availability and the high quality.

For more information on different production methods and product processing, click on the respective button.

Der Domingroboter bei der Arbeit
The doming robot at work
Digitaldruck bringt Farbe auf Ihre Produkte
Digital printing brings color to your products
Interaktive Rollups individuell bedruckt
Interactive rollups individually printed
Lasergravur Sticker mit verschiedenen Materialen und Farben möglich
Laser engraving stickers with different materials and colors possible
NFC Infoboards
NFC Sticker mit QR Code
NFC sticker with QR code
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