NFC Gläser - die smarte Innovation am Stammtisch

NFC glasses – The smart innovation at the regulars’ table

How the NFC glasses work

The RASTAL Smartglass enables a short distance connection with the NFC-enabled smartphone. No extra app installation is necessary for this. Simply hold the smartphone to the chip to launch the defined application. Each NFC chip has its own UID number, unique in the world. This gives each smart glass a distinctive and unique identity.

The exclusive and novel RASTAL SMARTPRINT printing process integrates the NFC chip permanently and dishwasher-safe into a décor or brand image. Tradition, innovation, design and quality have been combined to take the art of glass to the next level. The digital glass is available in different variations. You will find the right design for every occasion. There are cups as well as wine and beer glasses.

Rastal Smartglass ermöglicht eine Verbindung mit dem NFC fähigen Smartphone

Added value and target group

The NFC glasses create a link between the haptic and the digital world. With the real-time cloud system, you benefit from endless possibilities. The most relevant added values of digital glass are:

  • One-to-one interaction with target groups
  • Compatible with all systems and applications
  • Statistics and evaluations in real time
  • Digital individualization per NFC glass

Possible practical examples are the event and marketing interactions with visitors or customers . Meanwhile, in the form of sweepstakes and free drinks to cocktail recipes, existing customers can be bound and new customers can be won. There are no limits to creativity here. At the same time, relevant customer data is generated. These can be evaluated in real time.

Current action - Smartglass a cooperation of SINNUP and Rastal

Experience Christmas in a new way. With our partner RASTAL we have the perfect gift for your customers. In addition to the existing functions, you can now enhance your NFC glass with a digital Christmas card. Sophisticated design both haptically and digitally. Surprise your customers with the personal greeting message – individually per glass!

Rastal Smartglass eine Kombination mit Sinnup

If interest has been aroused, you can find all NFC glasses in our store. Here in the online store you can also find more detailed information about dimensions, product photos and prices.

Or you can inquire directly here and get the information you need by email.

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