NFC am iPhone

NFC on iPhone

Recent blogs about NFC & iPhone

NFC am iPhone:

NFC on iPhone: Apple has opened the world of NFC to its users with iOS 11! Starting with the iPhone 7, another popular form of communication is possible.

Activate NFC function on iPhone

  1. Passende App herunterladen, NFC Scanner
  2. Open the NFC scanner app and touch the top edge of the iPhone to the NFC chip.
  3. Content of the chip is now available on the smartphone.

The iPhone has the NFC antenna installed on the upper inner edge, which offers an enormous advantage for usability. The Apple device impresses especially with its very good range – up to 4 cm. However, the Californians limit the NFC function to reading NFC tags. Writing empty tags is not yet provided for. The use is therefore limited to simple applications. A good workaround for this is the onetouchlabels described below.

Older Apple models and NFC?

NFC readers have already been installed in the iPhone since the 6th generation. For owners of the iPhone 6 and 6s, only the Apple Pay function is open. It remains exciting whether Apple will expand the NFC features in the future and upgrade older devices. It is extremely positive to mention that the camera reads QR codes accurately from iOS 11.


Even though you need an app on the iPhone to use NFC, the technology is now gaining tremendous tailwind. The range of the NFC antenna is unbeaten on the iPhone. The NFC tags from onetouchlabel allow you to enjoy the full range of NFC functions on the iPhone. We are curious to see how Apple will use NFC in the future.

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